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**2024-2025 Calendar Updates**

Christina School District 2024-2025 School Year Calendar Updates

We have made some important updates to the 2024-2025 school year calendar. Please discard any previous copies and download/print the updated calendars (attached). Here are the changes as of September 6, 2024:

  • September 10 (correction): The block color was incorrect. The block has been changed from yellow to teal. This is a Professional Development Day (Schools Closed). Please review PDMS for a full list of professional learning opportunities
  • January 8 (correction): The last day for School Choice was incorrect. The date has been corrected to January 8.
  • May 12-16 (addition): “District Spirit Week” has been added.
  • June 8 (addition):  The graduation date for Christiana, Glasgow, and Newark High Schools has been added.


2024-2025 SY Updated Academic Calendar (English)

2024-2025 SY Updated Academic Calendar (Spanish)