2024-2025 SY Forms

  • Parents/Guardians of students enrolled in the Christina School District must complete an Online Acknowledgment Form for the 2023-2024 school year to acknowledge that you have been made aware of the following forms and agree to complete and return them to the school, as necessary. Please print and complete the required forms and return to your school office.  If you are unable to print a form, or return them to the school office, please contact the office so we can work together to ensure all required forms are completed. 

    • Emergency Information Card (acknowledge online, and complete and return)
    • Title I Compact (acknowledge online)
    • Student Manual (acknowledge online)
    • Photo and Video Opt-Out (acknowledge online, and complete & return, if applicable)
    • Publishing of Student Art Work Opt-Out (acknowledge online, and complete & return, if applicable)

    Thank you. 
    Additional forms may be required by your child's school.

    Complete the 'Back to School' Acknowledgment Form

Documents & Forms (District)