Groves Strategic Plan Priorities and Goals
Access to Programming
Goal 1: Provide access to the Groves program that is responsive to changes in the community and the diversity of students.
Objective 1: Offer academic programming using the Delaware Department of Education standards aligned curriculum.
- Complete alignment of all Groves Courses with College and Career Readiness Standards and Next Gen Science Standards to satisfy DDOE requirements.
Objective 2: Provide opportunities for students to become engaged in community activities.Objective 3: Provide instruction that supports learners in their abilities to become effective worker, supportive family members and informed community members.
- Develop a transition to work program/process for students
- Offer transition to work program/process to students
- Host or co-host post-secondary employment fairs
- Host employer workshops on site and at the annual student conference
Objective 4: Research national, state, and local data and demographics to ensure that the changing needs of students and the community are being met.- Review data to identify “at risk” students most likely to not complete a Groves course
Goal 2: Offer programming that promotes lifelong learning, self-direction, and digital literacy.
Objective 1: Provide options and opportunities for learning in a flexible environment.- Enhance ABE feeder patterns by reviewing ABE student data to identify the characteristics of “diploma seeker” ABE students
Objective 2: Offer guidance and transitional services that lead to continued learning beyond the James H. Groves Adult High School program.- Provide supports to students that facilitate/encourage course completion and fulfillment of the student graduation plan
- Facilitate career and postsecondary planning
- Assist students with navigating online resources for career and postsecondary opportunities
Goal 3: Promote the program statewide and communicate with all stakeholders.Objective 1: Maintain local and statewide print and online marketing efforts to promote services for adult learners statewide while exploring new strategies to reach learners who do not have a high school diploma.
- OAASIS will maintain an active Facebook page
Objective 2: Participate in public stakeholder events supported by practitioner and student organizations.- Events will be scheduled throughout the year by OAASIS, DAACE, Groves Centers, School Districts
Objective 3: Provide useful metrics and reports that blend fiscal and program data to support informed budgetary decisions.- Quarterly reporting is maintained and a statewide Annual Report is compiled and distributed
Objective 4: Develop a Groves Brand and a uniform marketing plan.- Develop marketing plan for Groves Adult High School to build community awareness
Curriculum and Instruction
Goal 4: Address student academic goals through explicit instruction that is meaningful and rigorous and meets state approved standards.
Objective 1: Offer targeted professional development with current and innovative curriculum which leads to providing quality instruction to improve student skills and competencies.
- Review and revise instructional delivery to increase student course completions
Objective 2: Deliver and monitor instruction designed to improve student skills and competencies.- Follow Groves curriculum and provide feedback to individual students based on formative and summative assessments
Objective 3: Ensure that all instructional materials are aligned with state standards.- Curriculum committees of certified teachers align with CCR standards and differentiated delivery strategies
Goal 5: Deliver curriculum that reflects the needs of adult learners and enhances the individual’s post-secondary and employment opportunities.
Objective 1: Complete graduation and transition planning to post-secondary training or education and/or employment.
- Integrate graduation and career planning topics into Student Orientations
- Develop a career plan template
- Meet with students to complete career and graduation plans starting with potential graduates
Objective 2: Offer academic coursework embedded with employability skills.- Develop and integrate “employability skills” into student processes and classroom instruction
Objective 3: Create and maintain a sustainable technology plan that provides current instructional resources for staff and offers innovative learning opportunities for students.- Develop Technology Plan to increase and update technology available to students
- Increase technology integration into courses
Objective 4: Offer career pathways that align to Delaware workforce needs.- Integrate graduation and career planning topics into Student Orientations
- Develop a career plan
- Meet with students to develop graduation and career plans
- Develop additional Career Pathways courses
Student Supports
Goal 6: Provide a supportive learning environment that enables students to obtain maximum benefits from the James H. Groves Adult High School.
Objective 1: Promote the development of behaviors and attitudes that enable individuals to be effective workers, supportive family members, and informed community members.
- Meet with “at risk” students to support retention
Objective 2: Provide supports to retain students through graduation.- Develop supports needed by ABE student “diploma seeker” to enter Groves
- Develop supports needed by “fast track” students to complete graduate within 24 months
- Develop supports that will help “at risk” students to successfully complete courses
Objective 3: Utilize technology to enhance communications with students and provide support services.- Communicate information to students using various electronic forms (school website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Schoology, email, text)
- Review and select career development planning software
- Schedule students into career planning software and/or provide assistance with college applications and FAFSA
Goal 7: Provide non-instructional services that promote academic success and motivate students to achieve their greatest potential.
Objective 1: Implement transition processes toward post-secondary, employability readiness; including additional non-instructional services as needed for at-risk students.
- Develop a transition program/ process for students exiting Groves
- Offer transition programming to students
- Host post-secondary career fairs including skills training programs, community college and university offerings
- Review and enhance student advisory process to support program improvement
Objective 2: Develop rapport with students to maintain commitment.- Meet with “fast track” students to complete graduation within 24 months
Objective 3: Develop a “toolkit” of resources including non-instructional materials as needed for at risk students.- Further develop the student recognition process.
- Identify strategies to accelerate credit completion
Objective 4: Extend employment search and work readiness skills through career counseling services.- Select and use job market resources for students to explore job opportunities
Objective 5: Maintain partnerships and linkages with other agencies/service providers to support students during and after enrollment.- Provide financial Support/Scholarship Workshops
- Follow up with Groves graduates on what they are doing three months, one year and two years after graduation
Program Quality
Goal 8: Manage program resources efficiently to deliver quality adult education services.
Objective 1: Demonstrate fiscal responsibility to maximize quality services for students enrolled in the James H. Groves Adult High School.
- Utilize casual seasonal and part staff
Objective 2: Develop an Impact Statement describing Groves services to support funding.Goal 9: Ensure accurate and accountable data collection and analysis to address quality service delivery.
Objective 1: Maintain and report measureable program outcomes that reflect goals and objectives.
- Develop a system to gather the tracking information from the P-20 Data Match and share the information with programs
- Monitor and review student course completions
- Review student data to identify characteristics of students who do not complete 12 hours of attendance
Objective 2: Collect and prepare data for quarterly desk audits and annual reports.- Data match with P-20 Count to determine number of students transitioning to post-secondary education
- Data match with P-20 Count to determine number of students entering and retaining employment
Objective 3: Practice proactive data analysis toward program improvement efforts.- Develop a system to gather the tracking information from the P-20 Data Match and share the information with programs
- Review student data to determine the characteristics of “fast track” students who graduated within one and two years
- Review student data to identify characteristics of students who do not complete 12 hours of attendance