• School Supplies

    _____ ONE-AND-A-HALF-INCH BINDER for homework folder, notebook, and agenda
    _____ LOTS of pencils (please, NO pencil sharpeners/mechanical pencils)
    _____ 24 box of CRAYOLA crayons
    _____ Scissors
    _____ 4 Glue sticks
    _____ 12+ colored pencils
    _____ Pencil box or bag
    _____ 3 composition books
    _____ 1 sturdy pocket folder
    _____ Ruler with inches and centimeters
    _____ 1 box of tissues

    *Your child will go through many pencils every week. Please put an extra dozen pencils in a zip bag to remain in your child’s backpack as needed.*

    $$ Saving Tip $$: Skip the fancy supplies; the oldies but goodies work much better. 