• August 30, 2019

    Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year and to Second Grade! I am very excited to say I will be your child’s teacher this year! I have a lot of exciting lessons and events planned already! I beginning my 22nd year as a teacher. I taught 1st grade for two years at Bayard and for one year at Thurgood Marshall. I have taught 2nd grade at Keene since the school first opened. I have a Bachelor’s Degree from University of Delaware in Human Resources and a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education from Wilmington University. I have a 10 year old son named Morgan who is so much fun and my entire family loves the beach!
    I will be sending home many forms. Please complete then return them as soon as possible.
    This year the district has created an extensive school volunteer enrollment form. If you are interested in chaperoning a field trip, the packet must be completed and turned in 3 weeks prior to attending. Volunteer packets are in the main office.
    Classroom Management System
    In room 124 I use a Clip Chart Management tool-
    Purple= Outstanding, Pink= Role Model, Blue=Good Day, Green= Ready to Learn, Yellow= Think About It, Orange= Teacher’s Choice, Red= Parent Contact
    Each day I will mark the color the students earn in their agenda and ask you to sign their agenda nightly.
    Homework Policy
    This year all second graders will be using agendas. The students will be recording homework assignments and other information. This is an important communication link between school and home. If you have any questions or concerns, please write them inside of the agenda. Also, please take the time each night to sign your child’s agenda. I will check agendas every morning.
    Second grade homework may include Math, Dreambox or Reading Practice. Please turn in the assignments the next day.
    *Math homework reinforces daily concepts and strengthens basic math skills.
    *Reading- All second grade students are required to read for at least 15 minutes each night. Ask your child comprehension questions or encourage him/her to retell the story. You can read to or with your child. They can read silently or to a younger or older sibling. You can read books, comic books, magazines, boxes or
    packages, catalogs or newspaper articles. Get creative and have some fun!
    *Dreambox- complete online math lessons
    The supply list was sent home with your child today and additionally can be found on our school webpage http://www.KeeneES.org . Please write your child’s name on all of their supplies.
    Classroom Rules
    Here at Keene the same four rules are encouraged throughout the school. Our Keene Koalaty Principles are:
    Show Respect
    Follow Directions
    Act Responsibly
    Do your personal Koalaty best!
    Classroom Schedule
    8:50-9:10- Morning Welcome
    9:20-9:40-Reading-Whole Group
    9:40-10:20- Reading-Small Groups
    10:20-10:30- Science/SS
    10:30-11:15- Special
    11:20-11:45- Science/SS cont’d
    11:45-12:15- Lunch
    12:15-1:25- Math & Mint
    1:25-1:45- Number Corner
    1:45-2:15- Reading Intervention
    2:15-2:45- Recess
    2:45-3:00- Grammar
    3:00-3:30- Writing
    3:30-3:45- Circle
    3:50- Dismissal

    Special Schedule
    Monday- Library
    Tuesday- Music
    Wednesday- Art
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Library

    If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me right away in the agenda, by phone or email. The phone does not ring in the classroom but if you leave me a message I will return your call as soon as possible. The teacher hours are from 8:40 am - 4:10 pm.
    454-2018 x 214

    I am looking forward to a fantastic year!