Professional Development


    AVID 2024

    Christina School District Professional Learning Campus

    Experience a comprehensive range of trainings designed exclusively for the dedicated educational staff, including teachers, paraeducators, support staff, and technology coordinators. These carefully crafted programs are designed to enhance your professional growth, empower your roles, and promote a collaborative learning culture.

    Immerse yourself in an array of dynamic workshops, interactive sessions, and innovative resources that cater to the unique needs of your respective roles. From pedagogical best practices and instructional strategies to student support and technology integration, these trainings cover a wide spectrum of essential skills and knowledge.

    Navigate the Christina School District Professional Development Online Campus to discover the diverse professional development offerings tailored to your area of expertise. From instructional techniques and classroom management to specialized technology training and inclusive practices, these trainings will equip you with the tools and insights needed to excel in your role and make a positive impact on student success.

    Prepare to embark on a transformative journey of continuous growth, as we foster a community of lifelong learners committed to creating an engaging, inclusive, and enriching educational experience.

Contact Information

  • Professional Development
    Christina School District
    Administration Office
    1899 S. College Avenue
    Newark, DE 19702

    Phone: 302-552-2600