Inclement Weather for Staff

  • Due to inclement weather or other emergencies, it may be necessary to cancel school for the day, dismiss school early or have a delayed opening.  We encourage you to tune in early when bad weather is predicted, as we try to make the announcements as soon as the decision is made. Please remember that any decision affects only one school day; a new announcement will be made if the situation continues.

Delayed Opening Procedures

  • In the event of a delayed opening due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions:

    • Teachers and paraprofessionals are expected to arrive to work in accordance with the delayed opening time for schools.  Employees should take into consideration the reasons for the delay, the distance traveled, and the hazards involved.  Please allow adequate travel time to ensure you are prepared for the students upon their arrival.

    • Administrators and secretaries are expected to arrive to work in accordance with the delayed opening time for offices.  Employees should take into consideration the reasons for the delay, the distance traveled, and the hazards involved.  Please allow adequate travel time to ensure you are prepared for the students upon their arrival or to perform your normal job responsibilities if you do not work in a school.

    • Custodians are expected to follow procedures as outlined in the Facilities Manual. Please see the document - Facilities Services - Inclement Weather Procedures.

    • Child Nutrition Workers are expected to arrive at work at the usual reporting time or as early as possible, taking into consideration the reasons for the delay, the distance traveled, and the hazards involved, and to plan their travels accordingly. Additional direction may be provided by the Child Nutrition Supervisor.

Early Dismissal Procedures

  • When schools dismiss early due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions:

    • Teachers are dismissed one hour after the student dismissal time for the building.

    • Paraprofessionals may leave following the departure of the last student bus.

    • Custodians and Child Nutrition Workers may leave at the time designated by the administration.  In the case of inclement weather, employees will be released at a reasonable time based on weather conditions.

    • Secretaries - In the case of an early dismissal decision of Schools Closed, Offices Open, offices will stay open until the regular time, unless another determination is made by the Superintendent. In the case of an early dismissal decision of Schools and Offices Closed, secretaries are not required to stay any longer than one hour after students are dismissed or may leave sooner should all students be gone.  

    • Building Principals, Program Directors, Assistant Principals, and other non-instructional 12-month employees may leave at a time designated by their immediate supervisor.  (Dismissal time for non-school personnel will depend upon the circumstances determined by the immediate supervisor.)

Schools Closed / Offices Open

  • When the Schools Closed / Offices Open decision is made due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions:

    • Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Child Nutrition Workers do not report to work.

    • Administrators and Secretaries report to work at the usual time, taking into consideration the conditions.  Those who do not report to work will be charged a vacation day, personal day, or deducted one day's pay.

    • Custodians:  Day shift personnel are expected to arrive at work at their usual reporting time unless otherwise directed by their immediate supervisor.  Night shift personnel should check with their immediate supervisor about reporting at an earlier time.  All personnel who cannot report to work must call in.  Those who do not report to work will be charged a vacation day or will be deducted a day of pay.

Schools Closed / Offices Closed

  • When the "Schools Closed/Offices Closed" decision is made due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions:

    • Employees are not required to report to work unless job responsibilities require participation in weather-related functions.