• Box Tops and Labels for Education:  Send them in sets of 25, trimmed and bagged (or enveloped), with your child's full name and room number.
    eScrip:  Register for eScrip and earn money for Downes by using your grocery cards and existing credit/ debit cards.
    Labels for Education: Campbell’s soups and gravies, Pepperidge Farm products (including Goldfish), Spaghettios, Franco American gravies, V8, and Prego products
    Tyson Project A+: In your grocer's freezer section, look for Tyson Products that display the Project A+™ logo; each label is worth 24¢ cash!


    Downes Elementary School is currently registered with two programs that financially support education – Box Top for Education (BTFE) and Labels for Education. Thanks to the support of our families, Downes earned over $1,800 last year from BTFE and the Downes PE program benefited by gaining new equipment from points earned via the Labels for Education program.
    To help support the program, please send in Box Tops and/or Labels for Education in groups of 25 in an envelope or baggie marked with your child’s full name and homeroom number. You can also use this form to submit Box Tops in groups of 25. Clipping them neatly, bagging the Box Tops and Labels for Education separately, and checking expiration dates on Box Tops would be greatly appreciated.  Each group of 25 submitted enters your child into a prize drawing held a few times each school year. Collection boxes are located in each homeroom and the main office.
    Visit and for more information on how to clip, eligible products and resources such as recipes and coupons for participating products.
    Questions? Contact Kevin Bohrer at
    Online Shopping
    If you are shopping online at Amazon or Target, please remember to designate Downes as your school/charity of choice. Amazon donates up to .05% on eligible purchases and Target donates 1%.
    Register your Safeway grocery store club card number to for eScrip and earn money for Downes by using your grocery cards and existing credit/debit cards. It's easy, free, and powerful! Visit to learn more.

    Tyson Project A+: Please send all collected labels in a baggie labeled Tyson Project A+. In your grocer's freezer section, look for Tyson Products that display the Project A+™ logo. The label you save is easily identified by looking for the simple 1, 2, 3 program steps.