- Newark High School
- 2023 Graduation Information
Graduation Information
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Class of 2023 and Families
Graduation day for the Class of 2023 is quickly approaching. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishment, and I wish all of you continued success. The 130th Commencement of Newark High School will be held on June 15th, beginning at 7:00 PM, in the Bob Carpenter Center on the University of Delaware campus. Each graduating senior will receive up to 12 tickets to be used for family and friends. All guests must have a ticket to attend Commencement. There will not be any additional tickets issued.
Commencement is a beautiful ceremony that will create lasting memories for you and your family. Enclosed is a copy of our Senior Calendar, Dress Code, and the University of Delaware guidelines for Commencement. Students with outstanding debts, incidents of inappropriate behavior, not adhering to the dress code, and/or missing practice will not be permitted to participate in Commencement. Additionally, students who have violated the attendance policy and/or have failed to complete all academic requirements will not be permitted to participate in Commencement. In summary, students must meet all District and State graduation requirements to participate in Commencement.
Parents, please talk to your child about the importance of making the right choices during this time of celebration. It is critical that students confirm that final course requirements are met and that they stay clear of disciplinary consequences. We do not want any of our students to make poor choices that could jeopardize their graduation status and, more importantly, their health.
Dr. Tina Pinkett, Principal
Graduation Requirements
- English: 4 credits
- Mathematics: 4 credits*
- Science: 3 credits
- Social Studies: 3 credits
- Additional Science or Social Studies (choice): 1 credit
- Physical Education: 1 credit
- Health: 0.5 credits
- World Language: 2 credits
- Career Pathway: 3 credits
- Electives: 4.5 credits
- Senior Project and Xello
Total Credits Required: 26 credits
Important Information
If you failed a class in Fall Semester, Talk to your counselor now about getting it done on Edgenuity so you can walk on June 15th
If you failed a class MP3 - Talk to your teacher to create a plan for MP4.
If your attendance is low, please ensure you attend class on time and turn in your assignments.
Failure to earn credits/pass a class can result in an August Graduation.
Graduation - It's a Ceremony, Not a Party
We want graduation to be a dignified and formal occasion for seniors and their families. Please treat this ceremony with dignity and respect. Loud yelling and other demonstrations are inappropriate, especially while recording the ceremony. All Seniors should be afforded the honor and prestige that receiving a diploma deserves. Names will be called steadily, and we would like all Yellowjacket families to hear their graduates' names.
Graduation is a time for reflection and praise for completing this important phase of life.
Remember: The commencement exercise is the ceremony, not the celebration.
Do you have any questions?
Ms. Jill Henebry
Junior & Senior Class Advisor
Mr. Robert Holt
Junior & Senior Class Advisor
Senior ExamsRegular Class Schedule
May 31Block 5 Senior Exam
June 1Block 3 & 4 Senior Exam
June 2Block 1 & 2 Senior Exam
June 5Make-Up Senior Exams
June 8Senior Awards @7PM - NHS Auditorium
June 99am-10:30am Mandatory Practice/ Assembly
Students will get their seating arrangements for graduation and practice processing in.
Students will receive Cap, Tassel, and Gown
June 129am-10:30am Mandatory Practice/ Assembly
Students will get practice their seating arrangements for graduation and practice processing in.
Senior Picnic After (Included in Senior Dues) *Must provide own transportation
Students will receive 12 Graduation Tickets
June 15Graduation @ UD Bob Carpenter Center
6PM Students Arrive
7PM Ceremony Begins - Don't Be Late!