Brader is a Kindergarten-Grade 5 elementary school located in the suburban neighborhood of Four Seasons. Built in 1989, Brader was named after Henry M. Brader, a dedicated educator. The school is organized into distinct pod areas. Each pod is named after the habitats surrounding the school including Wetlands, Butterfly and Bird. The kindergarten classrooms are housed in the Kindergarten Pod. Our students bike, walk, car ride and bus ride to school. The staff consists of teachers who were here when Brader opened to novice teachers who are just getting started in their careers. Howeever, the majority of our staff are experienced educators.
The Parent-Teacher Team (PTT) is very active and sponsor many evening activities for students. Brader continues to strive for excellence with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). We offer Enrichment Services for students who need accelerated instruction. Our open library allows students to check out materials throughout the school day. Our school has achieved Bronze Status by the Alliance For A Healthier Generation. This is due to our high level of health and physical fitness on the part of our staff, especially our physical education teacher, Mrs. French.