Principal's Welcome

  • Happy New School Year Oberle Families!

    Petey Penguin and I would like to welcome you to the 2023–2024 school year.  We are so excited to start another school year and the staff has been diligently working to prepare Oberle for our student’s arrival.   This school year is packed with events, such as concerts, grade-level field trips, spirit days, Paint-a-Pumpkin, Movie Nights, International Fest, Glow Parties, Book Fairs, school dances, just to name a few.  We will also participate in various monthly celebrations, which include World Kindness Day, Day of Service, Great Kindness Challenge, Friendship Day, etc.   We are also planning to have various after-school enrichment programs focused on engineering, science, Performing Arts, and physical fitness.  So get ready for your children to beg to be a part of our after-school explosion!  I forgot to mention that after-school transportation is provided for all participating students.

    As a school, our main goal is to educate our students to the best of their abilities.  Last school year, our focus was to increase students' reading.  I am proud to say that Oberle, as a school, saw an 11% growth in our Reading Assessment from the previous year!  This accomplishment falls squarely on the passion and hard work of our TEACHERS!  As we move forward, one of our foci will continue to be reading, but we will now incorporate mathematics as an additional focus. 

    Our 2023-24 School Leadership Priority Plan has three aspects:

    1. Teaching and Learning, as we strive to provide the best instruction to increase the learning for our students.
    2. The Whole Child, implementing social emotional learning through curriculum, such as, Second Step and Restorative Practices.
    3. Increasing Family Engagement, we need parents to participate not only in the fun events, but also participate in the Parent Teacher Organization and School Planning Team to move the school forward to address all student and family needs.

    Famed inventor and leader Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”  I am asking all parents/guardians to invest a little time and energy in the lives of your children.  It could be assisting with homework, walking your children to school, participating in the PTO, attending student events, or communicating a few times a month with teachers. Those little things matter in the growth and development of your children.  You can never get back lost time and/or opportunities, so invest wisely in your children.  

    Once again, Happy New School Year!  The administration and staff at Oberle look forward to working with our families for the academic and social success of our students.  If you have issues and/or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  Only together can we all make Oberle a successful center for learning.

    Educationally Yours,
    Michael N. Scott, Principal