Welcome to Oberle Elementary School

  • Oberle Elementary School Entrance It is with an open heart and arms that I say Welcome, Bienvenida , Bienvenu, مرحبا to William A. Oberle, Jr. Elementary School. Oberle, as we are affectionately called, opened to students and staff in August 2009. It has been our mission to welcome all students and their families and to provide a quality education.

    As a Positive Behavior Support school we believe in educating the whole child, academi-cally as well as socially and emotionally. We request you support us as we build upon the foundation that you have laid at home. Without you we are lacking a critical component of the learning triangle. Keep your eyes peeled to this PBS page for upcoming events that recognize students who choose to make positive choices.

    Students entering our doors enjoy a full and rich curriculum. Beginning this year we will be preparing students for Christina School District’s Annual Science Fair. With the support of our Media Specialist, Classroom Teachers (and of course you) students in grades 3-5 will be working through the scientific process to answer a question, thus producing high quality Science Fair (STEM) projects. Students in grades K-2 will also work through the process collaboratively to create group projects and to be better prepared when they enter 3rd grade. We are expecting to present to our school community some awesome projects.

    We will continue to provide students with curricular field trips and rigorous instruction that connect to the Common Core Standards and integrate throughout the curriculum. More information will be provided by your child’s teachers both through Parent Link Communications, their classroom webpages and at Open House.

    We invite you to our monthly PTA and Parent Advisory Council Meetings, to be held on the first Thursday of every month (except January and April). Oberle Staff will be providing presentations on the state’s newest student assessment, Smarter Balance. Consider joining the PTA when you attend your child’s classroom during Open House or beyond. Dates can be found on our calendar page.

    In addition, during the meetings we will be providing you with information about our School Success Plan, Title 1 funds, etc. Your voice is necessary for us to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all the students at Oberle. These meetings will be quite informative and will serve to provide you with a vehicle for providing input into key areas of the school. Also, if there are topics that you would like for us to address, please feel free to contact us.

    We will continue to sponsor school-wide family evening Math, ELA (English Language Arts), Science and Social Studies events. We thank you for your past support for making them some of the most well attended in the Christina School District.

    If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, feel free to contact us, we will respond.

    I ask that you become familiar with our web page, www.obereles.org, as this is our primary source of current and reliable information. We will continue to also communicate through your child’s agenda, point card and Parent Link messages. Therefore, it is critical that we have your most up to date contact information.

Quick Facts

    • School Hours:  9:00 am-3:40 pm
    • Grades: K-5
    • School Mascot: Penguins
    • School Colors: Blue and Gray