Family & Student Support Services

  • My name is Nickie Elliott and I work for the K-5 Early Intervention Program at May B. Leasure Elementary School. The focus of the Early Intervention Program is to provide Leasure families with support services that will promote social, emotional and academic success for their child(ren).

    As a part of my program, I work with children and families to help address issues related to social skills, disruptive behaviors, academic and attention difficulties, self-esteem and anger management. I also provide support services and guidance to families who may be experiencing transition or crisis. I work within the school setting but, I also provide services in the community and at home. The Early Intervention Program is a year round program and summer activities are also available. The K-5 Early Intervention program is voluntary and the services are free.

    If you would like to learn more about this program or if you are interested in receiving support services for your child or family, please feel free to contact me at 454-2103 extension 502.


    Nickie Elliott, M.S.

    PS: We also have a supply of backpacks with supplies and winter coats for those Leasure students in need. Please contact me and we'll make sure your student receives one.