Admissions Process and Eligibility Criteria

  • Who is eligible to attend SPA?

    All applications are reviewed to determine if you meet minimum admissions requirements.  Your credentials will be obtained from your high school during the review process. 

    What are we looking for in a candidate for Sarah Pyle Academy?

    §  Students must be between 16 and 20 years old in order to enroll

    §  No serious disciplinary offenses in the last 12 months

    §  Live in or be choiced into the Christina School District

    §  Able to complete a college preparatory level academic curriculum

    §  Willing to work hard, attend school regularly, and communicate with the school about what you need to be successful

    Once we determine if you are eligible, we will reach out to schedule an interview.  A parent or guardian must accompany each student as part of the interview process.  In cases where a student is emancipated or living on their own, a mentor or other adult may attend your interview as your outside support person. Campus placement will be based on whichever site is closest to your residence address.


    Interview Process

    Our interview process is completed by our admissions team.  All interviewees are given an overview of how SPA works, including our uniform policy and other expectations.  Students are then asked some questions related to strengths, concerns, and academic and social/emotional needs.  During the interview, it is just as important for the student and family to decide if SPA is a good fit for them as it is for us to see if the student is a good fit for SPA. 


    Admissions Decision

    After the interview, families will be notified by email if the student is accepted or not.  If accepted, the student will be scheduled to attend a Student & Family Welcome Meeting.  At this meeting, the family receives a welcome package that will include your student and parent agreements, new Sarah Pyle Academy Google email logins for both the student and the parent/guardian, and important information about your first day of classes.  Families will also complete emergency cards, verify phone contact information, and will be introduced to some of our support staff who will help you get started at Sarah Pyle Academy. 

    It is important to know that your application does not obligate you to attend SPA, even if you are interviewed and accepted.  Your acceptance at Sarah Pyle Academy is only final once you attend the Welcome Meeting and sign your student and parent/guardian agreements.