Parent Handbook for PBIS

  • Oberle Elementary School’s 

    Parent’s Guide to PBIS 


    PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) is a research based decision making framework that specifically teaches students behavior expectations, acknowledges and celebrates those who demonstrate consistent, socially appropriate positive behavior, as well as provides interventions to those students in need. 

    Oberle is in its 13th year as a PBIS school, and we are working together to promote our core values of leadership: 

    Learn everyday 

    Excel in every way 

    Achieve and believe 

    Discovering to succeed 

    In this letter, you will find valuable information to help define and explain key PBIS concepts.  Throughout the school year, you may hear your child talking about PBIS or the 7 Habits of Leader in Me, and we would encourage you to ask questions and possibly utilize some of the same practices at home.  Together we can foster change in our school, but also in our community. 

    PBIS Terminology 

    Core Values: All of our Oberle schoolwide behavior expectations are based on the following core values, which also align with our status as a Leader in Me school: 

    Learn everyday 

    Excel in every way 

    Achieve and believe 

    Discovering to succeed 

    Students are taught the behavioral expectations based on these and we encourage you to also use these words when guiding your child to make decisions about behavior. 

    Dojo Points: Students “earn” Dojo Points by demonstrating both positive and leadership behaviors (LEAD).  Students “cash-in” their Dojo Points throughout the year.  Each teacher has a menu of rewards from which the students choose.  Again, we want to acknowledge and thank those students who are demonstrating our core values here at Oberle! 

    Tier 1 Behavior: In PBIS, Tier 1 is fantastic!  Our goal is to keep all of our students in Tier 1 for behavior!  If a student is in Tier 1, this means they are demonstrating LEAD each and every day, and that they have not received any disciplinary action as a result of not following our core value expectations.   

    To be eligible for the PBIS celebrations, a student may not have any office discipline referrals during the corresponding marking period.  This does reset at the beginning of the next marking period, so that a student has a chance to demonstrate improvement and qualify for the next celebration. 

    Our PBIS Celebrations this school year are: 

    MP 1: Fall Festival 

    MP 2: Staff vs Students Minute-to-Win-It Games 

    MP 3: Movie Day 

    MP 4: Slime Day 

    *By signing the Oberle Elementary School Home-School Compact, you and your child acknowledge that you understand the requirements for attending a PBIS celebration.  Students who receive office discipline referrals during the corresponding marking period will not be eligible to attend the celebration designated for that marking period.  Failure to sign the Home-School compact will result in your child being excluded from the PBIS Celebrations.* 

    Intervention and Support 

    As a PBIS school, we recognize that not all students have the skills to demonstrate our core values on a consistent basis.  A part of the PBIS process is providing Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention and supports to these students.  If a student is in Tier 2 or Tier 3, we will be working with them to re-teach our behavior expectations based on our core values of LEAD.  During PBIS Celebrations, these students will be working with staff to review our expectations, set goals, and discuss positive decision-making skills for the future. 

    It is our goal to help each child reach their full potential here at Oberle.  Together, with your help, we can promote a positive learning environment! 

    If you have any questions about PBIS, or would like to join our committee as a parent volunteer, please contact Mrs. Novellino by email: 

    Thanks for your support! 

    Oberle Elementary School’s PBIS Team