Etta J. Wilson Elementary school is a public school located in Newark, Delaware. It is a school within the Christina School District. The school was built in the 1960's and has maintained a focus on academic
excellence. Current enrollment is over 260 students in grades kindergarten through fifth.
Our Mission
To give every student opportunities to learn in an academically challenging, safe, equitable, and nurturing school environment. We pledge to value parents, caregivers, and families as partners in educating our students to learn, live and lead in the 21st century and beyond.
Exemplary Programs
- National Blue Ribbon School, 2020
- National Distinguished Title I School, 2019
- Delaware Department of Education Recognition School 2023
- Delaware Department of Education School of Continued Excellence, 2019
- Delaware Department of Education Exceeds Expectations, 2019, 2018
- Delaware Department of Education National ESEA Distinguished School, 2018
- National PTA Recognition
- Superstars in Education
- Star School - Positive Behavior School
- No Place for Hate School, First school in the State of Delaware to receive recognition from the Anti-Defamation League
Curriculum Highlights
- Science Olympiad
- Lego League
- Math Leauge
- Stock Market Game
- Drama Club (Grades 3-5)
- Talent Show (Grades 2-5)
- School Chorus (Grades 3-5)
- Meaningful Economics (Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship, University of Delaware)
- Recognized for excellence in Math and Science
- Presidential Award in Mathematics and Science Instruction
- Junior Achievement