Advanced Academics in the Christina School District

  • Welcome to Advanced Academics!

    In the Christina School District, we seek to serve students of all abilities--including our brightest students.  This year we have initiated some changed to the program, including a new name.  "ADVANCED ACADEMIC PROGRAMS K-12" provides challenge and services to all students.  Other changes include:

    • All students in grades K-5 will receive lessons in universal critical and creative thinking strategies provided by their classroom teachers.  The lessons will incorporate 21st century thinking skills and will extend and enrich the core curriculum for all students.
    •  In Grade 2, a brief cognitive abilities test called the CogAT will be administered. The test is specifically designed to help teachers ex-pand instructional opportunities for all students.
    • In Grades 3-5, students demonstrating advanced academic aptitude may receive between 90 and 150 minutes of expanded instruction per week taught by certified Talented and Gifted teachers in small group or classroom settings.
    Other opportunities for challenge include lunchtime book clubs, French Club Fridays, the Xcelerated Math Competition, a variety of community service projects and lots more!