Parents as Teachers

  • A Free Early Learning Program for Parents of Children from Birth to Age 5

    Parents as Teachers (PAT) will help you raise a bright, happy child. PAT provides you with information on your child's development and activities that will build language, thinking, social and motor skills.
    You will have many questions about raising your baby. What should he be doing? Is he behind or ahead of other children? How can I teach him? The Parent Early Education Center (PEEC) can answer your questions.

    You will learn how to:

    • Recognize your child's ever-changing abilities and how you can encourage learning 
    • Teach language and social skills, and encourage intellectual development and problem solving 
    • Choose the best toys for stimulating curiosity and creativity
    • Discipline fairly and firmly
    • Give your child the best possible start in life!

    Take the first steps to school success:

    • Play with your child 
    • Read books and engage in conversation
    • Limit TV, video games and computer time
    • Encourage healthy eating
    • Point out letters and numbers
    • Establish daily routines
    • Provide your child with experiences with crayons, pencils, scissors, and play dough
    • Encourage independence in dressing, eating, and using the bathroom.
  • Parents as Teachers
    Stubbs Early Education Center
    1100 N. Pine Street
    Wilmington, DE, 19801

    Phone: 302-429-4175

Parents as Teachers offers

  • Personal Visits By Parent Educators

  • Group Meetings

  • Play Groups

  • Activity Nights

  • Periodic Screenings