Office of Multilingual Learners Supports

  • Hello in multiple languages

  • Christina School District provides support to our multilingual learners (MLL) at each of our elementary, middle, and high schools. Our dedicated staff of English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers and paraprofessionals work collaboratively with Christina educators to support language acquisition throughout the day.

    We value the assets that our learners, their families, and the community contribute to the school culture while providing equitable access to rigorous standards where all educators support language and literacy development.

  • "Curriculum" close up of hand grabbing a book from a book shelf


    The curriculum used for multilingual learners during targeted instruction aligns with the WIDA English Language Development standards.

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  • "Services for students" - image of teacher helping student use computer

    Services for Students

    Christina School District offers both integrated and targeted English Language development Instruction for multilingual learners.

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  • 'Identification Process' - image of happy young students smiling at at the camera

    Identification Process

    Every family enrolling a student in a Delaware school will complete the home language survey to help identify students that may need to be screened for being an English learner.

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  • 'Assessments' image of female student using laptop


    Students identified as multilingual learners will continue to be assessed annually with the ACCESS for ELLs until they meet the exit criteria set by the Delaware Department of Education.

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  • Office of Multilingual Learner Supports
    Christina School District
    Administration Office
    1899 S. College Avenue
    Newark, DE 19702

    Phone: 302-552-2600