District / Parent Title I Council

    1. Purpose of the District/Parent Title I Council
      • Support the process of developing partnership-sharing views, solving problems, and taking action toward shared goals for excellent education and student success
      • Support parent leaders who share information with and obtain ideas from other families
      • Develop student awareness that families' views are represented in school decisions
      • Provide specific student benefits linked to policies enacted upon
      • Develop participation in leadership skills in responsibilities for activities and in representation of other parents

    2. Selection Process for the Council
      • District Council - Each District school will have one parent representative on the Council (monthly meetings)
      • Community Advisory Council - Composed of business leaders, political leaders, non-Title I parents from throughout the District with equitable city and suburban representation (bi-annual meetings)
      • School Level Council - Each school will have one council composed of Title I parents, teachers, and administrators - student participation at the secondary level (monthly meetings)

    3. Identification of the Topic for Discussion
      • Workshop Format
      • Single Topic Format
      • Used at every meeting
      • Potential topics - No Child Left Behind, school-wide Title I services, public school choice, supplemental education services, teacher quality, Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), Student Code of Conduct