Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions below to assist you with answers to the most commonly asked questions.


  • Why is my child's bus late?

  • Why did you suspend my child from riding the bus?

  • Why can't you come further into my subdivision?

  • Why does my child have a seat assignment?

  • Why can't my child get off wherever they want in the afternoon?

  • How do you decide when it is too dangerous for school buses to transport students to school due to inclement weather? Who decides? How is the public notified?

  • Why are there only 30 students riding some buses and my child's bus is crowded?

  • How can I become a school bus driver?

Special Needs Transportation FAQs

  • How can I receive transportation for my special needs child?

  • How long does it take to set up transportation for my special needs child?

  • What is the average time length of the ride for special needs students?

  • Why can't last minute changes be granted?

  • Why can't my regular education child ride the same bus with my special needs child?

  • Can I reach someone in the Transportation Department before 6:00 a.m.?