• Comprehensive Educator Induction Program


  • The Comprehensive Educator Induction Program (CEIP) is a four-year partnership with all novice and new educators to the state of Delaware which provides ongoing professional learning opportunities to meet the Delaware Department of Education and Christina School District license and certification requirements.

    The purpose of the CEIP is to strengthen all educators' capacity throughout our school district community. We support all educators with understanding school district policies and procedures, assessing and reflecting on professional performance, and developing an individualized growth plan to enhance professional practice.

    Our program is comprised of a CEIP Site Coordinator, Lead Mentors, and Mentors.

Our program is comprised of a CEIP Site Coordinator, Lead Mentors, and Mentors.

The CEIP Site Coordinator is responsible for the implementation, integrity, and fidelity of the program. The coordinator ensures program requirements are met, addresses district challenges, supports Lead Mentors and Mentors, and serves as the liaison between Christina School District and the Delaware Department of Education.

The CEIP Lead Mentors are responsible for the school-level implementation of the program. Lead Mentors are trained by the Delaware Department of Education and serve as a resource to Mentors for supporting all novice educators.

The CEIP Mentors are responsible for providing individualized support for novice educators in Years One and Two of the program. Mentors serve as the bridge-builder who help all novice educators to build a deeper understanding of their professional practice, facilitates professional learning, builds and maintain trustworthy relationships, and motivates all educators. Mentors also conduct informal (non-evaluative) observations of educators and provide meaningful feedback to the novice educator.

  • Questions?

    Please contact:
    Amber Herrera
    Administrator, Multilingual Learner Supports

    Email Amber Herrera

Induction Phases


      • Overview

        Christina School District offers a four-phase program where supports are provided for new educators to meet minimum state program requirements.

        Source: Delaware Department of Education, 2021

      Phase 1

      • Phase One

        Year 1 of the program offers weekly virtual or in-person coaching with a trained Mentor to provide support. Our Mentors conduct four non-evaluative observations and provide meaningful feedback. Mentees have the opportunity to observe skilled educators at least four times throughout the school year. Year 1 educators are assigned to a Professional Learning Community and book study. Mentees participate in two professional learning workshops approved by the school district. The completion of an online ethics course is required.

      Phase 2

      • Phase Two

        Year 2 of the program offers virtual or in-person coaching with a trained Mentor. Our Mentors conduct four non-evaluative observations and provide meaningful feedback. Participation in two professional learning workshops approved by the school district.

      Phase 3

      • Phase Three

        Year 3 educators participate in a Professional Learning Community (PLC) and a book study facilitated by a Lead Mentor. Mentees can select from the following books for their professional learning:

        • Disrupting Poverty: Five Powerful Classroom Practices by Kathleen Budge
        • Getting Classroom Management Right by Carol Miller Lieber
        • 101 Answers for New Teachers and Their Mentors by Annette Breau
        • Conscious Classroom Management by Rich Smith
        • Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov

        Mentees are required to read six chapters and lead a minimum of one PLC meeting. Lead Mentors support Year 3 educators with implementing evidence-based practices and collecting evidence of these practices to share at a PLC meeting. The Capstone Project for Year 3 is a Reflection Journal.

      Phase 4

      • Phase Four

        Year 4 educators independently conduct a self-analysis to assess their professional development needs in content knowledge and pedagogical skills. Mentees develop and implement an individualized professional growth plan. The Capstone Project for Year 4 is an Independent Study.