• Share Your Good News - Celebrate School & Student Success

  • Do you have a school or student success story? Is your team or school doing something we should all know about? Do you have a success story of your own? Share it with us!

    Christina School District is seeking stories to celebrate the successes of our schools and students to share with our students, staff, and community. These stories will be collected and shared in our newsletter, social media, and/or websites. 

    Use our online submission form to share your good news and let us know what's happening at your school or in your team!

    Important guidelines

    • If your good news includes students, please do the following:
      • Confirm that the student(s) does not have “directory information” restrictions.
      • Confirm that the student(s) is not listed as 'do not photo' and does not a photo/video opt-out on file
      • Check for the correct spelling of student names.
      • Include the school that the student(s) attend.
    • The principal of the school or head of the department should approve the announcement before being submitted.
    • Schools that are active on social media are encouraged to post to their social media accounts.

    Tips for a great submission

    • Keep the description brief (125 words max) and include important, need-to-know information (i.e., who, what, when, where, why, and how).
    • Avoid jargon or technical language and spell out all acronyms.
    • Include the full name and building of any Christina staff member.

    Please note that we will make every effort to publish every submission received; however, we cannot guarantee that every submission will be published. Content will be reviewed and edited for style, format, and appropriateness. 

    Questions? Email communication@christina.k12.de.us. Please allow at least five business days after submission before contacting the Public Information Office for a status update.


    Click Here to Share Your Good News

  • Share Your Good News