Strategic Plan: Whole Child

  • Whole Child

    Caring and supporting each individual student's needs as a person, in addition to and in support of their academic growth.

  • aqua 3D cube facing leftThe term "whole child" refers to caring and supporting each individual student's needs as a person, in addition to and in support of their academic growth. 

    "Whole child" includes emotional and social development, flourishing in their unique and family identities, being a contributing part of a community and citizenry, and experiencing growth, maturation, and development.

    We accept the charge to see and support each individual in their whole selves.

Objectives, Initiatives & Goals

      Obj 1

      Objective 1: Enhance positive connections with students

      A key part of supporting the whole child is to ensure each student has access to caring adults. Positive adult-student relationships are correlated with higher achievement, but more importantly are a way to live student-centered CSD values.

      1. Develop a positive culture by building a sense of agency, belonging and community throughout our district.
      2. Expand our efforts to rapidly identify student needs.
      3. Provide actionable, job embedded training opportunities for staff to enhance connections and build positive spaces in our schools and classrooms.

      Click here for more information about Objective 1 initiatives.

      • In Progress

      Obj 2

      Objective 2: Increase equitable access to program opportunities

      Every student in the district will have access to rich programs that support intellectual, physical, emotional, and social growth and development. We take special care to ensure access to these opportunities for students who historically have not been able to have access in the past.

      1. Embed culturally responsive scheduling practices to increase access to rigorous courses for all students.
      2. Provide increased options for all students to have access to the same comprehensive programming choices throughout our district.

      Click here for more information about Objective 2 initiatives.

      Obj 3

      Objective 3: Increase access to wellness, mental health, and social emotional resources and support

      We strive to increase access to wellness, mental health, and social-emotional resources and support to maximize the likelihood of experiencing learning environments that are successful. 

      1. Increase staff member's understanding of trauma-informed practices through professional development that incorporates CASEL's mental health competencies
      2. Increase membership in each school-based wellness center.
      3. Implement Social Emotional Learning curriculum and instruction in all CSD schools and programs.

      Click here for more information about Objective 3 initiatives.

      Obj 4

      Objective 4: Ensure racial and cultural competency

      Part of supporting students in their whole selves is to honor their individual racial and cultural identities. We build systems, structures, and training for each teacher, administrator, and staff member to strengthen their cultural awareness and competency.

      1. Expand and cultivate relationships within the CSD community to raise awareness of cross-cultural communication and partnerships.
      2. Deliver cultural sensitivity training for all district staff.
      3. Develop a comprehensive professional learning plan to include training on acceptance, inclusion, diversity and equity for all CSD staff members.

      Click here for more information about Objective 4 initiatives.

      • Attendance at all trainings, with our vendor, for all members of DEIB Team members
      • Collective completion of the Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education Assessment (CRSE) by DEIB Team
      • CSD DEIB Team will draft a site-based equity plan based on data analyzed from the CRSE Assessment, with defined implementation and progress monitoring strategies, along with, program evaluation criteria.

      • - Artifact: PL Slides and Presentation Materials
      • - Artifact: Completion of CSD Sense of Belonging Videos
      • - Artifact: Attendance Rosters for all staff & student learning sessions

      Obj 5

      Objective 5: Ensure infrastructure supports the well-being of each student

      An important part of a student's school experience is the physical and digital places , spaces, and structures in which they spend their time. We strive to beautify, personalize, maintain, improve, and innovate these spaces to ensure every student thrives.

      1. Ensure learning spaces are conducive to learning for all students.
      2. Maintain responsiveness and structure for reporting and completing repairs to all schools and buildings.
      3. Promote the physical health of all buildings with collaborative planning and support for all construction projects.
      4. Distribute technology equitably across all schools and programs.
      5. Increase impact on our educational systems by offering new and innovative technology products and supports.

      Click here for more information about Objective 5 initiatives.