Strategic Plan: Teaching & Learning

  • Teaching & Learning

    Focusing on the learning and teaching needs for each student and the needs and development of professionals who work with students

  • Teaching and Learning strategic plan iconThis theme centers on the learning and teaching needs for each student.

    It maintains high expectations for each learner and ensures access to high quality content and instruction.

    It prioritizes committing to a vision of successful graduates and expanding access to career pathways for each person.

    As a way to strengthen the student learning experience, careful attention is given to the needs and development of professionals who work with students.

Objectives, Initiatives & Goals

      Obj 1

      Objective 1: Define successful graduates in collaboration with our community

      When we work together to define what academic, social, and emotional competencies we hope our graduates will gain over the course of their education, we provide a clear vision for our district to work toward. This definition is anchored in our beliefs and high expectations for what our youth are and will become.

      Obj 2

      Objective 2: Increase equitable access to program opportunities

      We work to create conditions for student success through careful attention to how students spend their learning time in Christina School District schools. Curriculum and learning activities are structured in a way that helps every child not only attain the characteristics of a successful graduate, but also to experience joy and growth at every step of their learning experience.

      1. Define and expand a shared framework of effective instructional practices for all students.
      2. Design and enact a structured cycle for curriculum review and adoption.
      3. Ensure program development and considerations for students with unique learning needs.

      Click here for more information about Objective 2 initiatives.

      Obj 3

      Objective 3: Ensure infrastructure supports instructional requirements

      The physical and digital environments at a school create conditions for teaching and learning. Christina School District strives to strengthen instruction by making sure the buildings, classrooms, technologies, furnishings, facilities, and materials are developed, maintained and improved.

      1. Coordinate and maintain 1:1 technology program for students and staff.
      2. Create a centralized plan for assessment and deployment of current instructional and operational technology to schools and departments.
      3. Develop and provide current professional development for the continuous integration of innovative technology in all schools, classrooms and departments.
      4. Conduct facility needs assessment by building.
      5. Develop ten year plan for facility needs and upgrades.

      Click here for more information about Objective 3 initiatives.

      • Update coming soon.

      Obj 4

      Objective 4: Increase exposure, alignment and access to career pathways

      One of the purposes of education is to improve access to vocations and careers, with special attention to the voice, interests, skills, and choice of each student. Christina School District uses its place in the community, its resources, and energies to increase students' access to jobs and long-term careers of choice.

      1. Develop and implement career planning and program alignment in all of our middle schools, high schools and special programs.
      2. Expand career and technical program participation for all students.
      3. Expand cross-sector collaboration to create and promote work-based learning opportunities.
      4. Collaborate with post secondary partners to promote goal attainment in career and/or college choices.

      Click here for more information about Objective 4 initiatives.

      • Coming soon.

      Obj 5

      Objective 5: Hire and retain diverse and high quality teachers and staff

      We believe that our schools are stronger when they include teachers and staff from many different backgrounds, identities, and experiences and who are united in common values to support students in their growth, learning, and development. We strive to create conditions where empathetic and excellent teachers and staff find joy and fulfillment in their careers at Christina School District.

      1. Ensure diversity in staff and teacher candidate pools.
      2. Expand recruiting strategies to achieve and sustain diversity amongst teachers and staff.
      3. Support and participate in alternate routes for teacher preparation programs
      4. Provide teacher candidates with support and mentoring for PRAXIS preparation

      Click here for more information about Objective 5 initiatives.

      • Artifact:Copies of advertisements posted to different areas & platforms
      • Artifact:Documents from VT process
      • Artifact:Teacher academy staffing & program materials
      • Artifact:Data displaying recruitment efforts & demographics or recruited candidates

      Obj 6

      Objective 6: Enhance professional growth for all staff

      We strive to create professional environments in which each staff member is able to learn concepts specific to their role, practice skills and competencies, strengthen their abilities to collaborate and work effectively with others, and experience the care and coaching of supervisors or mentors.

      1. Continue providing targeted support for new teachers through our comprehensive induction program.
      2. Create differentiated learning experiences to develop professional learning and personal growth plans for all staff
      3. Support and participate in programs to create teaching pathways for paraprofessionals.

      Click here for more information about Objective 6 initiatives.

      • Artifact:Christina Induction Program Updates
      • Pending Artifact: Guidebook for CIP (Pending Summer 2023)