- Christina School District
- Attendance
Students who come to school on time and have a good attendance record are able to learn more, keep up with school work, and take advantage of all that school has to offer. However, we understand that there are times when students cannot attend school. It is important that parents/guardians communicate information about absences to the school office so that records are kept up to date. We thank you for your cooperation.
Report an Absence
If your child is absent for any reason, it is important that you let your child’s school know the reason for the absence. Parents/guardians have up to five (5) days to provide proper documentation for excusable absences. When your child returns to school, you must do one of the following, or the absence may be marked as “unexcused.” If your child will be out of school longer than five consecutive days, schools may request a doctor’s note.- Send a dated and signed excuse note to the school office stating the reason for the absence or
- Complete the online Absence Form which will be emailed to the school office
Please refer to the Student Manual for important information about Student Responsibilities: Responsibility to Attend School on a Regular Basis:
- Reporting Obligations of the District Concerning Student Attendance
- Truancy & Penalties
- Excused & Unexcused Absences
- Tardiness to School
- Early Dismissal
- Prearranged Absences
- Extended / Long-Term Leaves
- Deployment Related Absences
Valid Reasons for Excused Absences and Tardies
- Illness of student
- Medical diagnosis and/or treatment
- Death in immediate family
- Contagious disease in the home
- Legal business requiring the student’s presence
- Suspension or expulsion from school
- Observance of religious holiday
- Approved college visits
- Authorized school-sponsored activities
- Mental health related absence*
Please note: Students are allowed a maximum of 10 parent/guardian notes for excused absences and 10 parent/guardian notes for excused tardies or late arrivals. After reaching this limit of 10 notes, any further absences will be marked as unexcused.School Attendance is State Mandated
School Attendance is mandated by state law and regulations of the Delaware State Board of Education. The Student Attendance Policy of the District Board establishes specific regulations related to attendance. Students and their families can refer to Board Policy 02.11 for more information.The district is responsible for reporting violations of the attendance laws of the State. The District may excuse a child for necessary and legal absence, subject to the provisions of Delaware Code (Title 14, Chapter 27).
Last Modified on December 18, 2024